Wrapping up 2015--Global Media Award, Inaugural Women's Summit & More

2015 kicked off with me in Washington DC in January to accept a Global Media Award for my first book, The Female Assumption, from the Population Institute, because of my message of equality and education for females. The Female Assumption has been featured in Psychology Today blog, Boston Women’s Health Collective Our Bodies Ourselves Blog, Huffington Post, and made the blog world tour with interviews by Michelle McGrath, Sydney, Australia, Unclassified Woman podcast , Lesley Pyne’s  blog based in the United Kingdom, and I took part in the inaugural summit for women without children (by chance, circumstance or choice), hosted by TheNotmom.com, with participants from as far away as China and Iceland (http://thenotmom.com/one-moms-search-for-sister-to-sisterness-with-child-free-women/ ).  I also traveled to LA for an interview with Lisa Haisha, The Legacy Series (to be released in a few weeks).

It’s been a busy year and I’ve met some wonderful people.  Promoting diversity of thought is where I’m at…whether we talk gender, ethnicity, ability, ageism, sexual orientation, and yes, even the science vs religion discussion.  I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, no matter what you believe or what LOVE means to you.

I'll leave you with this --- In a survey of 64,000 people in 13 countries, overwhelmingly, people responded with frustration about the world that is dominated by aggression, competition, and control. Respondents stress that the 21st century needs leaders who are more adaptable and flexible, leaders that place a premium on ethical behavior and diversity. (Reference: The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and Men who think like them) Will Rule the Future, by John Gerzema & Michael D’Antonio).  In Greek mythology, Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom.  It seems that traits “typically” associated with patriarchal systems, are not working. (Note: I put quotes around “typically” because women can be just as aggressive, competitive, and controlling as men…we know this).

Be wise, my friends.  Be flexible.  Respect beliefs different than your own.  No one has all the answers.  Peace and good wishes as we forge into a new year.